Friday, August 20, 2021

Friday Stuff

I thought this was a great commentary from Lawrence O’Donnell on why the war in Afghanistan is only slightly comparable at best to Vietnam, with performative clown and U.S. Senate Repug Ben Sasse, who never encountered an issue he couldn’t try to exploit for personal gain without trying to accomplish anything of worth, linking what happened in ‘Nam to our most recent exploits (and blaming only Biden of course...more here and here)...

...and I thought this was yet another great commentary from Beau on the equipment we’re leaving behind as we say that “long goodbye” to our 20-year war in the wake of 9/11...

...and Rachel Maddow discusses yesterday’s loon who told D.C. police he wanted to blow up the Capitol (allegedly) and created a 5-hour-or-so standoff (she speaks with correspondent Ben Collins, who makes the interesting point that this guy had family health coverage issues it seems, but instead of embracing Medicare for All, he resorted to violence...and I think Collins makes another interesting point that these people don’t know what to do since their hero wasn’t reinstalled as preznit like he said he would be...”like WrestleMania for these people” indeed)...

...and Farron Cousins communicates an appropriate level of disgust IMO in this commentary about FL guv Ron #DeathSantis, pointing out that 50 kids a day are getting hospitalized in that state over COVID-19...

...and Cenk and Ana tell us about the maskless a-hole riding the NY subway who harassed an elderly woman who was wearing a mask (great point by Cenk about Washington getting the troops vaccinated during the Revolutionary War)...

...and usually I wouldn’t go near “info-tainment” stuff like this, but I couldn’t help but be amused by this story – also ridiculous that Martha’s Vineyard is referred to solely as a place where rich and famous people hang out...yes, that’s true to an extent, but there are also a ton of affordable rentals up there for the same $$ you would pay at the Jersey shore...and we’ve been to the Chilmark General Store more than a few times, which is a pretty “blue collar” place, if you will (if I were to run into him, I would be inclined not to even waste my energy on a life form like Dershowitz since I go there for a good time and don’t even want to deal with him, but yeah, this does sound like an episode of David’s show, I have to admit)...

Update 7/18/22: So many reasons to love Martha's Vineyard, and here is still another one.

...and this week marked the 85th birthday of Hollywood icon and environmentalist Robert Redford; here is a clip of Redford from “The Candidate” way back in the day...

...and I just happened to come across this pretty cool new seasonal tune – hope you like it also.

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