Sunday, July 04, 2021

Sunday Stuff

As this great Second Thought video tells us, what could be more all-American than oppressive capitalism...

...and Cenk, John and Charles F. Coleman weigh in on the Sha’Carri Ricahrdson story (I commend Coleman for going against the grain a bit with his highly informed comments because I think there IS an element of choice here, but there ABSOLUTELY should be some perspective here also – by that I mean there MUST be some kind of a compromise to sanction Richardson if whatever governing body feels like they need to do something, but to do it in a way that allows her to compete in the Olympics...and the fact that Richardson did this in a state where pot is legal is a BIG mitigating factor also, to say nothing of the personal loss she suffered)...

...and Ali Velshi talks with Dr. Ashish Jha about the rise of the Delta variant of the COVID virus and how well the vaccines are doing; once more, virtually no excuse to NOT get the “Fauci Ouchie” (though Dr. Jha does sound a note of caution, saying “You may suffer a breakthrough infection if you're around a lot of unvaccinated people.”)...

...and Thom Hartmann presents a video that apparently was generated by one of these right-wing-nutter groups about how to get started in politics – maybe one of the wonkiest videos I’ve ever put up here, but definitely important stuff (and I think Thom had an air conditioner running in the background to account for that noise)...

...which is made even more important given that the Proud Boys are apparently trying to get more of their members to run for office...swell (with our side needing to pick up the pace a bit on that score...a related item is here...and speaking of the holiday, let's not forget this too)...

...and it’s been a little while since I had a prog rock jam on this site, so I think the occasion of the holiday calls for this tune.

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