Saturday, July 17, 2021

Saturday Stuff

For starters, I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” from 7/17/13, in which former PA GOP Chair Rob Gleason admits that voter ID cut into President Obama’s vote lead against Willard Mitt Romney in ’12 vs. John McCain in ’08 (here), which to me is more of a reason – as if we NEEDED more of a reason – to stop screwing around and pass S1 (if voter ID by itself can make that big of a difference, imagine what the other garbage in these bills to cut early voting and other measures will do)...and yeah, we know Manchin and “Curtsy Kyrsten” are the two main roadblocks, but we have to keep beating that metaphorical contact your U.S. senator to bug this person to support it, click here...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen gives us Brianna Keilar of CNN calling out former Repug MN Guv “Pawlenty of Nothing” on this “both sides” BS between the Proud Boys and the “3 Percenters” appearing at CPAC...yeah, Pawlenty of course goes all humuna humuna humuna when Keilar asks him for an example of left-wingers advocating violence walking around a progressive or liberal conference ("OMIGOD, ANTIFA!! SCARY DARK-SKINNED PEOPLE!!!"), because HE DOESN’T HAVE ANY REAL WORLD EXAMPLES TO BACK UP HIS NONSENSE...

...and Thom Hartmann speaks with Judd Legum on the critical race theory craziness and the usual gaggle of right-wing think thanks behind it, notably the Thomas W. Smith Foundation...

...and it looks like the other side is going to try and make us all crazy about the threat of inflation and that’s why we have to slash government spending (which you only hear about when Dems are in power of course), and Robert Reich is here to explain why that’s BS...

...and photojournalist Timo Stammberger went undercover inside so-called factory farms to bring us this report (warning that this contains disturbing images)...

...and yeah, we all made it to another summer weekend, so let's rock out a bit, OK?

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