Friday, July 16, 2021

Friday Stuff

Ana K. and Daniel Bessner of TYT tell us that Former President Highest Disapproval Rating In Gallup Poll History has some thoughts about our withdrawal from Afghanistan, saying that we shouldn’t leave because the Taliban, being thoroughly amoral monsters, will hurt girls and many possible responses to this, one of which is the fact that yet another Democratic president has been left with cleaning up a mess from his Republican predecessor, and another is the fact that we need to do nation-building in THIS COUNTRY as opposed to anywhere else on the globe (sorry, but we can’t save everybody, and we have to establish priorities, though we should bring into this country as many Afghans who helped us as possible), and you can also wonder HOW MUCH MORE OF A PRICE our military is supposed to pay for ruinous decisions on the part of civilian much wrong with Number 45 (a certain sweaty orange sack of syphilitic trans fats who proceeded Biden), but one of them is that it erased from public memory a bit the fact that George W. Bush WAS A THOROUGHLY AWFUL PRESIDENT ALSO (“a profound contempt for the workings of democracy” indeed)...

Update: Oh, and we can thank Dubya for getting this idiot judge confirmed also.

Update 7/17/21: And good for the Biden Administration for this.

...and Rachel Maddow tells us that FLA Guv Ron #DeathSantis is out with his line of ’22 “merch” in anticipation of running for re-election (ignoring the explosion of COVID cases in his state of course)...

...and this great “Second Thought” video tells us that, in lieu of actual governance that, y’know, helps people, #DeathSantis is trying to indoctrinate educational institutions in his state (of course, the funniest part of this – and I know I’m reaching a bit to try and find humor here – is that the FLA guv thinks he’s going to supplant Mango Mussolini for the ’24 Repug presidential nod)...

...and Farron Cousins tells us that the U.S. congressional Dems are going to try and pass the infrastructure bill through reconciliation (and speaking of congressional Dems, let’s not forget this also)...

...and I thought this was a pretty damn clear-eyed take from Beau about the 1/6 insurrection and the fact that, yes, God forbid, it could happen again (and maybe even be successful, which we have to do all we can to prevent of course)...

...and David Doel tells us here about Burger King employees in Nebraska quitting en masse (I know about working in fast food, and trying to produce that stuff in a 90-degree environment is torture as far as I’m concerned – mildly NSFW/H)...

...and I know I’m a little behind the curve on this item, but I didn’t want to miss it – Brian Williams tells us what Carl Sagan once said many years ago about the future (the “Star Wars” stuff is interesting, but the real “get” here for me is what Sagan wrote and how well he nailed the times in which we now live, unfortunately...Williams gets bonus points for the Ron Popeil snark)...

Update 7/28/21: C'est dommage.

...and speaking of those who have shed their mortal coil, you might say, today (believe it or not) is the 40th anniversary of the death of Harry Chapin...I often recall him, Jim Croce, SRV, and John and George also of course (the list grows longer every day, now including John Prine from COVID...if this dumb little blog accomplishes anything, I would like for it to be a means to keep their memory alive now and for all time).

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