Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Wednesday Stuff

This clip tells us that the less-than-useless Repug governor of Mississippi, Tate Reeves, is saying no to extended unemployment benefits for those who are jobless (as usual, the only thing the “party of Lincoln” knows how to do is to “punch down” on those who need help...more here, and in a related story, this is noteworthy too)...

...and staying below that Mason-Dixon line in Tennessee, it looks like they just passed a garbage bill allowing motorists to run over protestors with impunity (and it looks like the governor of that state is imitating Reeves in Mississippi with this idiocy; for the reality perspective, I give you this)...

Update 5/17/21: And if we're talking about Republican stupidity, you just KNOW Greg Abbott has to be part of that discussion (here).

...and an Amazon worker in Bessemer, AL was found dead in a bathroom; yeah, I realize you can’t directly call this “Death by Jeff Bezos,” but for a company that spies on its workers as relentlessly as Amazon does, it’s pretty damn implausible to claim that they couldn’t have helped this guy (Cenk and Ana tell us more)...

...and echoing Paul Krugman a bit (from the Tennessee clip), I give you this from Beau of the Fifth Column (workers allegedly making more on unemployment versus going back to their jobs)...

...and I guess this is as direct as Chris Cillizza of CNN is going to get when it comes to cowardly Republicans and Our Traitorous Orange Pustule (and ex-President)...and when it comes to the political dustup du jour, I give you this...

...and Thom Hartmann gives us another valuable history lesson, this time of the Repugs and voter suppression (mentioning Paul Weyrich in 1980...really excellent analysis by Thom of the garbage voting bills proposed by Repugs and how it would turn over administration of elections to Repug legislatures, which indeed is truly evil contact your U.S. Senators, click here)...

...and Robert Reich tells us that the political window of opportunity for Dems, particularly in the Senate, could close at any time...

...and happy belated 80th birthday to Eric Burdon (of the Animals and War of course).

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