Friday, May 14, 2021

Friday Stuff

Farron Cousins tells us that, based on our current trajectory, If we don’t meet Paris Climate Accord goals by 2060, we won’t be able to stop Arctic melting (but we shouldn’t just say the hell with it...need to keep working on trying to fix this, as Cousins notes)...

...and with the prior clip in mind, I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 5/13/16, in which we learn that Germany powered itself completely from renewable energy for at least one day...

...and John and Ana tell us about the new wind project approved for 12 miles off Martha’s Vineyard, which hits close to home for your truly; I originally opposed Cape Wind, but I’ve definitely reconsidered that (and of course, Our Treasonous Orange Pustule of a former *president opposes the project, which automatically counts in its favor)...

...and speaking of #45...gee, it turns out that former Reagan deputy national security adviser John Poindexter has emerged as a Trumper (here); wish I could say that I’m surprised, but given the following clip (about Poindexter and Ollie North each “taking the fifth” during congressional testimony on Iran-Contra from back in the day), yeah, it really does fit the profile (more here)...

...and Chris Hayes speaks with former Repug U.S. House Rep Mickey Edwards and Sam Seder about a potential 3rd party made up of disaffected people from the “party of Lincoln” (Sam is exactly right about drawing a line back for 20 years at least, and while I applaud Edwards’s efforts, he’s hopelessly naïve if he can’t see the line that Seder is talking about, though I think he admitted it a bit towards the end playing off Sam’s remark about the John Dean book)...

...and I know I included some videos on what’s going on with the Israelis vs. the Palestinians yesterday, but David Doel brings us this well-done clip featuring the late, great Michael Brooks on the overall conflict...

Update 5/15/21: More here.

...and I didn’t want to let the week come to an end without noting the passing of Norman Lloyd at 106, a legendary actor, producer and director, and apparently, a pretty self-effacing guy by all accounts...

...and I’m glad to hear that the East Coast pipeline hack has apparently been resolved (here); I had this tune in mind for a few days but didn’t get around to it for various reasons, so I might as well do so now.

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