Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Tuesday Stuff (updates)

Thom Hartmann makes what I think is a convincing argument, sadly, that this country has turned into a fortress as opposed to a “shining city on a hill” based on this (and our insatiable lust for guns is a big part of that of course...many good points here, including blowing up all that “Oh yeah? Chicago has strict gun laws and look what’s going on.” BS)...

...and Cenk and Ana of TYT talk about Louisville, KY cops beating up a protestor – can you guess the skin color? And yeah, it’s a typical cop trick to yell “Stop resisting!” as they do it – the only “resisting” this guy is doing is breathing. The clip also discusses a FLA law basically making it legal to run down protestors (and Cenk is absolutely right when it comes to reporters and the first amendment, re, the protests, asking #DeathSantis if he supports it or not – if the fourth estate wasn’t preoccupied with “access,” then yeah, maybe they’d grow a spine and do what they should on this)...


...and oh look! It’s time for more utter performative nonsense from that U.S. senatorial mistake, Democrat Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, showing off her “F-off” ring (what a pitiable joke this woman is – John and Francesca provide commentary)...

...and once more (and for probably the 100th time I know), I know what The Lincoln Project is, but they keep cranking out good videos like this one, so here it is (though I'm not sure that America is the only country founded on an idea, but yeah, I guess that could be true)...

...and RIP former Minnesota U.S. Senator and VP (under Jimmy Carter) Walter Mondale; I’m sure others will come out with obits that will do much better justice to Mondale’s accomplishments in public life than I could do here, but I thought I’d present this one clip in his 1984 debate against The Sainted Ronnie R where Mondale wiped that big, dumb smile right off The Gipper’s face; yes, I realize that Mondale got creamed in that election, but fighting the good fight still counts, as well as naming Geraldine Ferraro as your running mate (trying to break the glass ceiling Kamala Harris shattered)...

...and I’m not encouraging that anybody “toke up” today, but if you do, please be careful and don’t operate any heavy machinery, including a car of course.

Update 1: THANK GOD! I honestly was wondering for a little while about this.

I have no clue as to whether or not this will be the beginning of the end of the cops and “open season” on African Americans, but now we know that there’s a line to be drawn SOMEWHERE.

They’d better send Chauvin to a “club Fed” for the rest of his life (which, again, is still a better deal than George Floyd got). If Chauvin ends up in a general prison population, he’ll be dead in 20 minutes.

Update 2: Aaaand we're back to what is apparently the sickening normality of American law enforcement (here) - I can only imagine how some of these pigs are going to respond to the Chauvin verdict (and an extra "FU" by the cops is here).

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