Friday, April 23, 2021

Friday Stuff

I love it when the Repugs gang up on each other; let them tear themselves to pieces – fine with me (and once more, The Lincoln Project keeps cranking out these great ads)...

...and I can’t think of a word to communicate my disgust with the anti-maskers for trying to harass kids, and I can’t say “oh, it’s a southern thing” since this is from CA...we shouldn’t do a damn thing for these lunatics if they end up in a COVID ward (and isn’t it ridiculous that there’s no anti-protest law against this, as opposed to that garbage anti-protest law that just passed in FLA?)...

...and the prior David Pakman clip mentioned overseas actors, if you will, using social media to influence opinion in this country against COVID immunization (bastards), and I thought that was an appropriate transition to this interesting clip from the BBC about how China is responding to COVID-19 with its own brand of propaganda; yeah, some of this is to be expected by a totalitarian regime, but some of it was egged on by our prior ruling cabal of grifters and lowlifes too...

...and back to dollars-and-cents stuff...David Doel is exactly right on how Bernie and the Dems started out on a lowball number on negotiating for the $15-an-hour minimum wage (and by the way, $15 an hour is hardly extravagant...that’s basically a below-poverty wage and doesn’t even remotely keep pace with productivity gains for comparable work over, say, the last 40 years – not slamming Bernie because he’s trying to do good, but the Dem U.S. Senate “leadership” instead...just assume the "party of Lincoln" will NEVER have a good idea and go on without them because that is probably EXACTLY how events will play out regardless of whatever bill you're talking about)...

...and echoing that, I give you this clip from Farron Cousins with Biden basically telling the other side to “put up or shut up” on funding the infrastructure bill...

...and Number 46 is featured prominently in this Ari Melber report on the 1994 crime bill; I’m glad Melber mentioned that it’s a sign of wisdom to understand that sometimes you need to change course since that’s 100 percent true, and I believe Biden understands that – and yes, there’s a lot we can take issue with in retrospect about “The Big Dog” and the whole “centrist Democrat” thing, but I also think we need to recall that Clinton found a way to win the White House for “Team D” after a 12-year absence, and in politics that is absolutely an far as I’m concerned, we had a good run under Clinton, and yeah, there were some missteps, but there were a hell of a lot of gains too...

...and sticking with The Comcast Network, I give “Doc” Maddow a lot of credit for this segment on the Chevron oil company trying to protect its oil field in Myanmar and propping up a military junta at the same time (making our planet safe to manufacture panty hose, apparently – got it)...

...and I know I make some “U-turns” from time to time here with my musical selections, and here comes another is the 60th anniversary of the Carnegie Hall performance by Judy Garland, a show which was truly stunning, including this timeless number.

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