Monday, March 15, 2021

Monday Stuff

Ana and Cenk of TYT tell us that Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao thinks that the people of this country don’t need more of a stimulus, if you will, in response to the COVID pandemic (I agree that the CNN reporter did a good job by talking to actual voters in this country and that people often don’t find out what’s really happening on issues since our news mannequins, for the most part, don’t fulfill the function of educating their viewers any more)...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen gave what I thought was a pretty good example here of why congressional Repugs don’t deserve to be taken seriously in their opposition to COVID relief, with Sen. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana (who apparently goes to great pains to remind people that he has a medical degree) pretty much nit picking around the edges as an excuse to get rid of the entire bill (and yeah, Chris Wallace pushed back slightly, but it was a love tap compared to what a Dem would have faced on that network)...

...and sticking with The Roger Ailes BS Factory, John and Bridget Todd tell us of Laura Ingraham’s fear mongering on HR 1 (and “Democrat” voters...typically disgusting from this shameless harpie)...

...and as long as we’re on the subject of Fix Noise, I thought I’d bring you this commentary from Beau of the Fifth Column responding to the latest garbage from the Swanson TV Dinner Heir...

...and Sam and Emma of “The Majority Report” tell us about Ilhan Omar speaking in favor of the PRO Act to help unions...great stuff, but it won’t matter unless the Senate gets rid of the filibuster because they will NEVER get Repug support for this or any other legislation...

...and turning to world news, David Doel tells us about Palestinian kids arrested for picking vegetables in the disputed area of the West Bank, apparently based on the complaints of Israeli settlers illegally living there (Want to know where tomorrow’s terrorists will likely come from? Look no further)...

...and in the matter of COVID, I thought this was a good PSA featuring all living former presidents but for a pretty obvious (and justified IMHO) omission (I’ll temporarily put aside my beef with Dubya)...

...but unfortunately, it won’t matter for yet another person we’ve just lost, and that would be Bliss Michelson of WRTI-FM...almost too broken up for words right now – deepest sympathies to his family and friends (I don’t know a lot about classical music, but this elegy features a double bass, which was Michelson’s area of of them anyway – when we have FINALLY rid ourselves of this COVID scourge, there should be monuments put in every town, village, township, city, name it...with the names of the people lost from those communities).

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