Monday, May 11, 2020

Monday Stuff

This Now This clip tells us what Former President Obama thinks of his successor’s godawful response, or lack of it, to the COVID-19 pandemic (the wingnut caterwauling over this, by the way, reminds me of the hue and cry over the remark about a certain segment of people clinging to their guns and religion, which was also 100 percent accurate)…

…and what does it tell you about the “party of Lincoln” that they apparently have NO COLLECTIVE ANSWER for the fact that the head of their party has feet of proverbial clay on the subject of nationwide testing and making sure the people who need it have PPE (and I’m thinking about this guy and this guy in particular when I say this…Bri-Fi and “No Corporate Tax” Toomey just meekly whimper like the lap dogs that they truly are, along with the rest of their sorry same-party brethren…I’ve taken some well-deserved shots at the Dem “leadership” lately, and I think it’s time to aim my fire in the opposite direction for now – more from Ana and Cenk)…

…and the Morning Joe people including Willie Geist discuss longtime Repug fixer Bill Barr tossing charges against Michael Flynn who, as is pointed out, pled guilty twice already (not the biggest fan of this show, including John Heilemann, but they're all spot-on here)....

…and Farron Cousins tells us all of the reasons why Our Orange Pestilence doesn’t want to wear a face mask…well, if it turns out that he doesn’t want to look stupid, I’m afraid that metaphorical ship has already sailed (and in a somewhat worrisome related development, I give you this)…

…and I give you the following as part of this week’s tribute to Little Richard (I'm pretty sure John Lennon, among others, covered both of these tunes).

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