Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Wednesday Stuff

This clip from Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about Mango Mussolini ranting about the Dems trying to make it easier to vote in the pandemic bill (admitting Repugs wouldn’t win if it was easier for Dems to vote…and as usual, Repugs accuse the Dems of the garbage they’re actually practicing themselves, such as noted here (notarized?) and here about putting restrictions on absentee balloting…oh, but at least 45 was number one on Facebook, as noted here, and no, that's not an April Fool's joke – yep, that iceberg is getting bigger by the minute as we rearrange the deck chairs)…

...and since it's another day of the week with a "y" in it, it looks like it's time once more for this (more here)...

...and sticking with the first crime family, Ana and Cenk of TYT tell us that the Kushners aren't going to let some pesky little item like a plague that could potentially kill thousands get in the way of gouging their tenants, being the slumlords that they are...

...and yeah, when all else fails, just "blame the Jews," huh, as "Pastor" Rick Wiles does (Kyle K. tells us all about it, and apparently Wiles has a history of this garbage)...

…and Rachel Maddow interviews New York Times reporter Donald McNeil critiquing the supply chain, or what passes for it, that we have for this crisis (good idea to get the Pentagon in on this - I have issues with Maryland Repug Gov. Larry Hogan, but kudos to him for this)…

…and it’s been so long since we’ve heard words from a responsible adult leader in this country in response to a crisis that I thought I’d present this from “across the pond” (all the best to His Highness, and yes, he wasn’t elected, but that doesn’t mean that he can’t be a leader, which he is as far as I’m concerned)…

…and I was definitely sorry to hear about this

…but fortunately, this is better news, and this is reason for cautious optimism also.

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