Sunday, March 29, 2020

Sunday Stuff

(The pic has to do with this story.)

Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about the Swanson TV Dinner Heir dragging Brit Hume out of his crypt to say that, yes, Hume is apparently prepared to die also in order to revive our economy...and Cohen points out why that is a thoroughly disingenuous argument…

Update 4/4/20: Well said (Boehlert I mean) here.

…and Kyle K. gives us an example of just how great our health care system is, namely, that nurses have to wear trash bags to protect themselves (U-S-A! U-S-A!)…

...and John and Brett Erlich of The Damage Report tell us about AOC calling out U.S. Senate Republicans for their sickening greed, thoroughly beholden to the CEOs who pull their puppet strings, in response to the COVID-19 stimulus bill...

…and since Our Treasonous, Tiny-Handed Orange Dictator in An Oval Office apparently hates this ad so much (here), it looks like it’s time to repeat it…

…and I know I should, at a minimum, say nothing about someone who has died if I can’t say anything good, but I’m going to make an exception in the case of former Oklahoma Repug U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, as noted here (called “Dr. No” for a reason, I should point out).

I’ve been complaining (especially now) about people who profess to hate the federal government being elected to jobs WORKING FOR the federal government, and Coburn might just be Exhibit A in that argument. He NEVER encountered a piece of legislation or some kind of amendment that he couldn’t find fault with, allegedly because he believed it cost too much money. If his objections weren’t financial, then they were ideological, frequently for reasons that were FACTUALLY WRONG as noted in the following clip, having to do with Generalissimo Trump withdrawing this country from the Paris Climate Accord (and as Cenk mentioned, Dubya did the same thing with the Kyoto Protocols). There are lots of other appropriate Coburn anecdotes that you can read from this link (more also from the last bullet here).

There are various reasons to thoroughly despise Tom Coburn. You could argue that, as a medical doctor, he should have had at least a rudimentary understanding of and respect for issues pertaining to science. I mean, you would think that, wouldn’t you?

Here are more reasons to look upon Coburn with nothing but contempt…
  • He attempted to block a suicide prevention act for our veterans (here).
  • Coburn also targeted veterans’ disability payments (here).
  • Coburn also pushed for a so-called “Article V” U.S. Constitutional convention to basically rewrite that document the way he and the one percent have always wanted and throw our government into chaos (the wet dream of Charles Koch and similarly well-heeled scumbags - here).
  • He also demanded spending cuts at about the same time as his home state was hit by a tornado (here).
  • He also attempted to shut down the FAA over bike safety funding (or other usages by states of federal funds in a manner Coburn apparently didn't agree with) here.
  • Coburn also praised Mango Mussolini for his ability to manipulate the press (here).
  • There is nothing memorable, noteworthy or praiseworthy in the record of alleged accomplishments by Tom Coburn. The only thing to do is to dispose of his earthly remains, and at any future mention of his name, spit in disgust or curse as appropriate, and then move on…

    …and I thought this was a peppy little number to listen to as we dance our way to the potential apocalypse.

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