Saturday, February 29, 2020

Saturday Stuff

And what would Life In These United States be like anymore without our almost-weekly mass shooting? This time, it took place in Milwaukee, as noted in the clip (and more on that is here)…

Update 3/5/20: What an utter POS this guy is (here).

…and turning to the most recent South Carolina presidential candidates’ debate, Kyle tells us about Bernie on stage with those other Dem knuckleheads, trying to clarify his remarks on Cuba, which I never had a problem with, to be honest - actually, I LOVE the way Bernie called out the life forms in the audience who razzed him (slightly NSFW)...

…and John tells us about AOC, killing it for the second day in a row, at a meeting of the House Oversight Committee on the absolutely awful voter suppression in GA during the '18 gubernatorial election between Stacey Abrams and Brian Kemp (perpetrated by Kemp himself as Secretary of State, and somehow that was legal)...

…and Jeff Waldorf of TYT Nation tells us about the numbskull MAGA crowd booing Garth Brooks because he recently wore a “Sanders” jersey at a Detroit concert…ummm, it was for Barry Sanders, you assclowns…just say “oops” and get out…

...and Kansas school teacher Amanda Coffman is my new hero (heroine?) for this...

…and sadly, this tune is timely again given the first video of this post.

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