Monday, August 12, 2019

Monday Stuff

Farron Cousins tells us about the U.S. Army veteran in Montana who fractured a boy’s skull when the 13-year-old did not remove his hat for the national anthem – and no, I never in my life thought I would ever be typing these words either (I’m glad Cousins looked beyond the headlines a bit here…because one life was severely traumatized, another will be also…a Stars and Stripes story on this is here)…

…and speaking of out-of-control behavior from the MAGA crowd, I give you this video of an incident that took place uncomfortably close to Le Manse Doomsy…

…and the prior two clips make this moment featuring “the paper of record” even more absurd as far as I’m concerned (Sam Seder continues his discussion with Heather Digby Parton; I’d be perfectly happy just posting clips of the two of them discussing news stories of the day – hope you would too – more on the headline in question is here)…

…and hey, who knew that Tucson, AZ city council meetings could be such a bangin’ good time; apparently “green shirt guy” was just the tip of the proverbial iceberg when it came to making a public statement…

…and believe it or not, yesterday marked the fifth anniversary of the passing of Robin Williams (the clip is definitely NSFW but funny as hell of course)…

…and this post started out pretty dark for a good reason given the initial clip, but I’m going to try and end it on a high note with this summer tune.

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