Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Wednesday Stuff

Farron Cousins tells us that, when all else fails, the Repugs turn to threats of violence and intimidation if it looks like their candidate might lose, which is apparently a real possibility in Texas (naturally) with Ted Cruz running against Beto O’Rourke…part of me wonders how truly sad of a human being you must be to actually defend someone like Cruz merely because you instinctively hate Democrats…I can recall the one-time standard bearer for the “Grand Old Party” proclaiming “malice towards none, with charity for all” (here)…I’m sure their leader now would call that “fake news”…

…and Robert Reich tells us the true cost of the Gropenfuhrer’s economic incompetence…

…and Mike Lux isn’t exactly Mr. Excitement, but he’s absolutely right here

…and Kyle K. gives props to Ali Velshi of MSNBC for calling out Repugs claiming that they support pre-existing conditions in health care coverage – um, that’s a lie of course; Kyle flips out a little at the end, but he’s spot-on also (NSFW)…

…and here are two more selections for your pleasure I hope while we ward off evil spirits and try to have fun amidst the ghouls, goblins and the like…Happy Halloween.

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