Monday, October 29, 2018

Monday Stuff

So I just want to make sure I’ve got this straight…
  • Trump declares he’s a white nationalist (oh, sorry – he didn’t say “white” nationalist here – but does that really matter?).

  • Then, “suspicious packages” get sent out to prominent Trump critics (here).

  • Then, someone murders two African Americans at a Kroger’s supermarket in Kentucky (here - more on that later).

  • Then, someone commits wholesale murder at a synagogue in Pittsburgh (here, and apparently shouting “All Jews Must Die” as he opened fire).
  • Is that about it?

    Oh, and I think this should be noted as well (and this).

    …and apparently, the KY shooter had far worse intentions, though (allegedly, let’s not forget) killing two people is bad enough I’ll admit, as John Iadarola, Nomi Prins, and Jayar Jackson of TYT tell us…

    …and Farron Cousins tells us that the Repugs are already making their excuses for projected mid-term losses…but we still have to go out and work to get this done (don’t “measure the drapes,” people!); we should do the best we can of course and take nothing for granted, but Cousins makes a great point – we’re playing more defense in this election cycle, but in 2020, the Repugs will have to do that…

    …and the “Closer Look” bits from Seth Meyers are just about always good, and I thought this one was exceptional (I agree with C&L here for what it’s worth)…

    …and to help Scott Wallace, please click here (and those Humane Society billboards for Bri-Fi, which are completely untrue by the way, are still standing as noted here – oh, and more Bri-Fi garbage is here from last Friday with an update)…

    ...and RIP Tony Joe White...

    ...and here is a "moldy oldie" of a seasonal tune.

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