Friday, July 06, 2018

Friday Stuff

(The pic has to do with this story, by the way.)

Joy Reid tells us more stories on the cruelty of kid separations from our ruling cabal of treasonous frauds (with Bob Ferguson, Washington State Attorney General…I’ve already said what I think of the people behind this and how vile they truly are, to say nothing of anyone who supports it)…

…and Farron Cousins of Ring of Fire tells us about the judge who laughed when the “team treason” legal team asked to push back a trial having to do with using their foundation as a personal piggy bank for our crime-infested first family (gosh, wasn’t this the same bunch that screamed about alleged illegality from the Clinton Foundation? Color me shocked!)…

…and I actually agree with Hasan Piker in this video; yeah, go after public people, confront them and call them out through the legitimate political process and using freedom of speech, but don’t harass some highly misinformed clod wearing a MAGA hat, which is his right after all…

…and John Iadarola and Jayar Jackson tell us that the Trumpsters are seriously considering war with Venezuela – um, at some point, is ANYONE going to come for Number 45 with a straight jacket and/or a butterfly net?...

…and I know I’m a little late with this commentary from Robert Reich about patriotism, but I still think it bears repeating…

…and happy belated 75 (!) birthday to Robbie Robertson – actually, this song has been on my mind lately.

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