Friday, February 09, 2018

Friday Stuff

I would say that Bill Maher was pretty spot-on here with his words about the Gropenfuhrer and his stinking wall (and Number 45's utterly lame-brained supporters...NSFW)…

…and Seth Meyers tells us about the latest antics of Generalissimo Trump and his pals (including RoJo) on alleged conspiracies (to say nothing of real ones), as well as the Rob Porter garbage…

…and while our tiny-handed orange dictator casually accuses those who oppose him of treason, I thought it would be instructive to bring you another installment of “This Day in Doomsy History” (more or less) from 2/9/10 (here), in which we note the 68th anniversary of former Repug U.S. Senator Joe McCarthy alleging that 200 employees of the State Department were communists, responded to brilliantly by David Strathairn channeling Edward R. Murrow in the following clip (with, of course, people whose lives and careers were in fact ruined with treasonous innuendo by calling them communists)…

…and Kyle of Secular Talk tells of our current regime trying to cut funding in renewable energy; clueless as always, and the Capetown, South Africa thing is really a great big WTF? story all right (NSFW once more)…

…also, Ana, along with Mark Thompson and Maytha Alhassen of TYT, tell us about Sheriff Oddie Shoupe in Tennessee taking down suspect Michael Dial (and deputy Adam West? Not at all funny, so I’m not trying to joke about this; I give the deputy…Adams? for showing humanity and being distraught…I don’t know what this guy’s rap sheet was, but I still don’t think that justifies what happened…and yeah, the sheriff is that big of an a-hole…NSFW also)…

...and RIP John Perry Barlow of The Grateful Dead (here).

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