Monday, August 07, 2017

Monday Stuff

I couldn’t quite get to this item last week, but let’s definitely support Kentucky Dem Amy McGrath in her quest for the U.S. Congress (more here, and more like this)…

…and nothing to see here, just another critic of our former buddy Vlad Putin murdered – move along

…and yeah, how’s that wall working out for you, Trump voters (here)? Yeah, isn’t “eminent domain” just “tha’ bomb?” But ZOMG, HILLZ BENGHAZI EMAILS!!!!! And kind of a clumsy cut at the end, but you get the picture...

…and timed for the recent 52nd anniversary of the since-gutted Voting Rights Acts, Robert Reich tells us what we can do about it (here)…

…and RIP Dutch

…and I tried to come up with the best tune I could think of as a tribute, and I settled on this one (God, those ‘70s flared pants are hideous!).

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