Friday, June 09, 2017

Friday Stuff

I think Rachel Maddow takes a minute or two to get going here, but when she does, it’s worth it – her summation at the end is what matters…we’re almost leaving behind the question of what it is or isn’t that Generalissimo Trump has going on with Russia; the obstruction at this point should be enough by itself to get his ass impeached…

...a point echoed by K.O. here…

…oh, and I think it should be noted that, lost in the kerfuffle over his gratuitous use of the “N” word last week, Bill Maher made a GREAT point about how Democrats should respond to this and basically all of the garbage and nonsense from the “party of Lincoln” here (and I thought this was a good post about Gianforte here – yeah, nothing like the “rich white guy” punishment is there, which isn’t even a slap on the wrist, as opposed to everybody else, which would be a one-way ticket to the gray bar hotel...NSFW I believe)…

…and maybe Dem Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill saw Maher’s segment, because this was a great moment with her giving it to “Saint Orrin” Hatch over the Repugs and their attempt to railroad “Trump-scam-care” in the U.S. Senate…

…and speaking of “the world’s greatest deliberative body,” the incredibly-inaptly-named Repug Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy (ugh) compared public schools to mayonnaise here…

...and as I've said before, we in the "great 48" could learn a thing or two from the Brits and the "in your face" nature of their politics (we may have dueling political and media consultants, but our corporate puppet masters don't want their bought-and-paid-for office holders to act quite so independently, or ferociously - might wake up the American "sheeple," you see...but yeah, I think it's safe to say that Theresa May metaphorically "screwed the pooch" - good luck trying to form a coalition government with this bunch)...

…and I’m also behind on this great commentary from John Oliver about the “Gropenfuhrer” pulling out of the Paris climate accord (noteworthy for a few reasons, not the least of which is Oliver’s thoroughly appropriate smack down of Scott Wagner...seems pretty far in the rear view mirror with everything going on I know...NSFW also)…

…and speaking of climate/weather, the summer season may have come to our area at long last, so maybe I’ll kick off my typical selections for this time of year with this one.

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