Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Tuesday Stuff

I give you the latest on the “day of disruption” (otherwise known as the “fight for $15”) here and here (video focuses on a protest at a McDonald’s in Denver...and why am I not surprised by this?)…

…and Dem U.S. Senator Chris Murphy talks with Chris Hayes about the latest idiocy (in foreign policy this time) from the demented child-king about to take office (dear God)…

…in addition, Sam Seder and Janeane Garofalo provide commentary on John Dickinson (of "Faze The Nation") and his ridiculous attempt to walk VP-elect Mike Pence through another softball interview (Garofalo’s disgust is completely appropriate as far as I’m concerned, and I totally agree with her sentiment – if it were just a matter of Republican voters getting hurt from this garbage, I would care absolutely nothing since they deserve all this, and more...NSFW)…

…continuing, I’d totally glossed over the fact that there’s still one U.S. Senate seat in Louisiana that is currently still being contested with a runoff scheduled for 12/10 (here); the Dem is Foster Campbell, featured in the Rachel Maddow clip below (to help, click here)…

Update: Uh, yep.

…and today marks the 15th anniversary of the passing of George Harrison

…and fortunately, we have the seasonal selections to briefly take our minds off of our current difficulty.

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