Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tuesday Stuff

Yeah, I think this about says it (Update 5/20/16: "30 pieces of silver" indeed, and no, I don't think that's an inapt way to put it)...

…and Samantha Bee does it again, giving the “jump for Jesus” crowd exactly what they deserve (here)…

…and just say “oops” and get out, Jon Keyser and Colorado Republicans (gee whiz, sounds like one or more people were caught committing voter fraud for real – from the party that screams about it the loudest, it should be noted – which, last I checked, was a felony; more related stuff is here...more on Michael Bennet is here)…

…and I don’t know about you, but I think we all need to hear something like this from time to time.

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