Monday, January 18, 2016

Monday Stuff

I thought this was one of the smartest commentaries I've heard in awhile about Trump and right-wing nationalism all over the world...

...and here is a clip of The Donald from 1988 talking about that year’s presidential election; I’ll give him some points for consistency (the boogeyman that year was the Japanese as I recall), but as usual, no specifics on anything…

…and “Wise defense spending” (more here)? God lady, are you some kind of a damn socialist or something? We have to bomb more dark-skinned people into oblivion…U-S-A! U-S-A! (yes, I know – snark mode off)…

…and in honor of Dr. King’s day, I give you a link to a portion of his speech at the Barratt School in Philadelphia in 1967 – truly words to live by (oh, and speaking of the prior item, he definitely had something to say about the military/industrial complex too, as noted here).

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