Thursday, October 08, 2015

Thursday Stuff

Chris Hayes talks with Jason Cone, executive director of Doctors Without Borders, on our awful bombing of that hospital in Afghanistan (not much to say about it except that we f’d up – as wrong as that is, at least we owed up to it, which I realize is the least we can do)…

…and God, I thought we were done with this nonsense (re., Cenk and Ana talking about the Oklahoma teacher disciplining the 4-year-old for writing with his left hand)...

...and speaking somewhat of religion (were we?), Bill Maher comments in "New Rules" about the version of Him who the Repugs truly identify with...

…and gee, I wonder if, in addition to the Hillary Clinton gaffe, Kevin McCarthy bailed because he doesn’t know how to communicate without sounding like he got smacked in the head with a two-by-four (Hungria??)…

…and happy belated 60th birthday to world-renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma – time for a bit of culture...

...and RIP Billy Joe Royal.

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