Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Tuesday Stuff

I thought this was an interesting report from Chris Hayes about buying stuff, in time for the holiday shopping season (and former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich is on hand for a reality check, of course – I generally think Josh Barro is a bright guy, but I don’t totally agree with his “glass half full” assessment on the economy)…

…and I think, among other things, that this report from Rachel Maddow tells us just how big a tool Mississippi Repug (of course) Governor Phil Bryant really is on health care in particular (like to see a fraction of our corporate media coverage devoted to stories like this as opposed to that freaking web site!), to say nothing of “Man Tan” Boehner and his pals in the U.S. House, including Mikey the Beloved of course…

…and another milestone I missed was Joni Mitchell’s 70th birthday earlier this year – hope it was fun…

..and this is a fairly newer holiday tune; good stuff by John Legend.

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