Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday Stuff

(I also posted here.)

'Tis the eason for more Repug wingnuttery, given a historical context here (actually, when it comes to demonizing those less fortunate, it's ALWAYS the season, particularly for the stupidest life form in the universe shown in the clip - video at the end looks kind of catchy)...

…and here is a program note about that Murphy guy again; my bad for being a day late, but it may get rerun (and just as a reminder, this is who the Teahadists elected instead a little over three years ago – and to do something about that, click here)…

…and I really shouldn’t waste my time over the latest with Fix Noise humanoid Megyn Kelly, but the stuff from Jon Stewart in particular in response is great…

...and here is more seasonal stuff.

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