Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tuesday Stuff

(I also posted here.)

I really love the way that Dem Congressman Peter Welch pretty much blows off the commentary by Michael “I Was Completely Wrong On Iraq But I Still Get Taken Seriously By The Corporate Media Punditocracy” O’Hanlon here on OMIGOSHWEJUSTBETERSTARTANOTHERWARINSYRIA (and oh yeah, in your face, Sen. John W. McBush)…

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…and I definitely think John Oliver is onto something here

…and why on earth would our beloved commonwealth actually invest in “dumb” stuff like, y’know, schools, when there are more prisons to build (here – I think Chris Hayes’s upsetment with Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter for not latching onto the talking points is palpable here, but Nutter is trying to play a really crappy hand the best he can)…

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…and I’m going to stick with Hayes here for this, telling us yet another way the Repugs are screwing over millions (good to see the outrage – more like this)…

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…and this is a great tribute to Sir Paul on his birthday (and let’s not forget the “Concert For New York” after 9/11)…

…and speaking of rock gray beards, those old geezers are rockin’ the “big joint” tonight, as Pierre Robert calls the Whatever Bank Owns It Now Center (Wells Fargo, I guess) – hope a splendid time was guaranteed for all, as the song goes.

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