Thursday, December 02, 2010

Thursday Stuff

Shazam! I didn't know nuthin' 'bout no "Confederate ball"! Anybody know where I can git a white robe and a pointy hat with a cover to protect my identity? Somebody call the Grand Dragon!

(Oh, and am I the only one who thinks that was the lamest seasonal commemoration since Mayor Tommy Shanks lit the Melonville Christmas tree? And yes, that was another SCTV reference picked up probably by, at the most, ten people.)...

...and Dear God, how on earth can we STILL be talking about tax cuts?

I know nobody listens to us filthy, unkempt blogger types, but Atrios has been saying since forever that Number 44 should just let the damn Bush tax cuts expire and then support the one he wants next year, which I think is dead-on.

Oh, but the Repugs will try to pick up the ball and go home again - and how exactly is that different from what they're already doing?...

...and here's a little holiday number (hope the song is right)...

...and changing things up again, allow me to note that celebrated American composer Aaron Copland died 20 years ago today; this tells the story of perhaps his most famous creation.

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