Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Winger Plan That’s Been Tried Before, Eh?

So how exactly are the knuckle-dragging, dead-ender, Bush-lovin’ faithful dealing with the happy event (this far) of an Obama presidency, I hear you ask (and by the way, I also posted here)?

Well, as this post tells us…

While most (World Nut Daily) columnists seem content to let Obama to shoot himself in the foot and destroy his own presidency, WND founder Joseph Farah has decided on a more pro-active response by praying that Obama will fail miserably...
I know I got into some of this yesterday with Flush Limbore, but I wanted to take note of the following in particular from some meat sack named Burt Prelutsky…

I know that armed insurrection is a notion that has occurred to quite a number of right-wingers, and while I admit that popping off a round or two in the general direction of Michael Moore, Rosie O'Donnell and any number of left-wing politicians is undeniably appealing, I really wouldn't want to promote a second war between the states. At least not so long as there was a viable option. And, fortunately, there is. There's Canada!
Putting aside for a moment still more casual references of violence towards people Prelutsky doesn’t like (which you will only find at this site directed towards bin Laden, by the way), I would just like to note the following about his highly unoriginal idea.

This ABC News post tells us that…

The number of U.S. citizens who moved to Canada (in 2006) hit a 30-year high, with a 20 percent increase over the previous year and almost double the number who moved in 2000.

In (’06), 10,942 Americans went to Canada, compared with 9,262 in 2005 and 5,828 in 2000, according to a survey by the Association for Canadian Studies.

Of course, those numbers are still outweighed by the number of Canadians going the other way. Yet, that imbalance is shrinking. Last year, 23,913 Canadians moved to the United States, a significant decrease from 29,930 in 2005.

"There has been a definite increase in the past five years — the number hasn't exceeded 10,000 since 1977," says Jack Jedwab, the association's executive director. "During the mid-70s, Canada admitted between 22,000 and 26,000 Americans a year, most of whom were draft dodgers from the Vietnam War."

The current increase appears to be fueled largely by social and political reasons, says Jedwab, based on anecdotal evidence.

"Those who are coming have the highest level of education — these aren't people who can't get a job in the states," he says. "They're coming because many of them don't like the politics, the Iraq War and the security situation in the U.S. By comparison, Canada is a tension-free place. People feel safer."
And Dahlia and Alex Lithwick of Slate provide an overview of sorts here for anyone contemplating a move north (it might behoove the “Obama haters,” if you will, to note the following – this is dated from 2004, and I haven’t been able to track down any more recent information, but you can still have fun with the snark)…

If you (like to shoot people), you should know that there is no Second Amendment or equivalent thereof in the Canadian constitution. Perhaps as a consequence only 22 percent of Canadians own guns as opposed to 49 percent of Americans, while handguns and assault rifles are verboten. Perhaps related to that statistic, the violent crime rate in Canada is 10 times lower than in the United States. This may have no connection to guns, though, and rather a strong correlation to general mellowness of the Canadian temperament.

The Canadian courts abolished capital punishment in the '70s, and Canada hasn't seen an execution since 1962. Texas hasn't seen one since about 11 seconds ago.

Judges in at least three provinces have now decriminalized marijuana possession and the federal government is considering decriminalizing it in small quantities. We are advised that the feds also grow great masses of it in large underground caverns and may soon expand the use of these caverns as shelters to which the entire country would retreat in the event of a terrorist attack or to spur mass-munchies in case of a national Doritos glut. And only in Canada would you find marijuana advocates genuinely arguing that people actually drive better stoned.

For some reason Canadians seem to live longer, be healthier, and pay less for these privileges. It has something to do with national health insurance, adequate primary care, particularly for children, and the availability of quality prescription drugs.

Six and possibly soon seven Canadian provinces currently permit gay marriage. Before leaving office last year, Prime Minister Jean Chretien referred the question of the constitutionality of same-sex marriage to the Supreme Court for an opinion. The court hasn't yet decided the question.

When Canadians talk about "multiculturalism," it doesn't only mean they're for blondes hanging out with redheads. Canadian TV shows actually teem with racially diverse characters, and the major national catalogs have been known to feature models in wheelchairs. Moreover, Canada has not one but two official languages, and no one seems to be suffering for it. Indeed, some believe it makes them sort of interesting.
So there you go, wingnuts; if any of this is to your liking, then don’t let the door hit you on the way outta here.

Of course, if you end up encountering the same people you sought to avoid in the first place who’ve already beaten you to it, don’t blame me.

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