Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday Stuff

My sympathies and condolences go out to the family and friends of Tim Russert upon this shocking news; I had a lot of disagreements with him, but now isn't the time to rehash that. And I am particularly sorry for his father; no parent should have to bury a child regardless of the circumstances.

I always liked this Russert interview with Oklahoma wingnut Tom Coburn, so here it is again...

...and here's more on Russert's colleague Chris Matthews (what a dope)...

...the first 1:25 of this is the typical O'Reilly boilerplate, but then K.O. shows what Faux News never will, and that was the offer from Bill Moyers to the "journalist" who ambushed him...

...and don't look now, but "The Incredible McCain Girl" is ready to SMASH!!

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