Wednesday, February 06, 2008

A Super Tuesday Note

To the extent that I actually care about all of the statistical minutiae from yesterday (and sorry, but basically I don’t, probably because I couldn’t vote yet – probably the wrong attitude for someone billing himself as a political blogger, but oh well), I just want to point out something.

Funny, but with the departure of Rudy! from the presidential race and possibly a similar exit for The Mittster upcoming, I’m not hearing either of these individuals referred to as a “headless chicken” (with leaving the contest determined to be the "honorable thing") or “frauds or clowns” (I dare Satullo to characterize Giuliani that way by name) and being encouraged to get the hell out at the earliest possible moment, nor would I expect any of them to be referred to as “a cute 8-year-old boy” or endlessly accused of hypocrisy because they may have chosen to fight against poverty while enjoying the hard-earned trappings that frequently come with notoriety (here, and Giuliani and Romney haven’t waged that fight by any means, of course).

And before I forget, please allow me to extend my gratitude to Flush Limbore and his fellow practitioners in right-wing bombast for doing all they can to weaken the presumptive Republican party presidential nominee (here and here). A grateful nation thanks you all.

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