Monday, October 02, 2006

Monday Video

Don McLean turned 61 today; I saw him many, many years ago at the Temple Music Festival in Ambler, PA, and he was just wonderful. He performed "American Pie" of course and messed up the lyrics part of the way through the song, so it did it over again from the top perfectly (if I ever find a video for "On The Amazon," I'm going to put that up as soon as I can get my hands on it).

In addition to all of the Foley perversion and the utter failure of our politicians to protect those pages entrusted to their care (which, beyond any political issues, is a human tragedy more than anything else...and believe it or not, allegations about other members may be forthcoming - ugh; as I said, "wire" all of the pages and put a stop to this crap), I personally have been shocked and saddened as have we all by the slayings in "Paradise" Pa. today - of all the most inappropriate places, though I know there are no "appropriate" ones - and I wish to extend my most heartfelt sympathies and condolences to the families and friends of the victims (particularly tragic when it affects young children...I know all I have to offer at this time are my feeble words which barely suffice). We in this area just observed the dedication of the 9/11 Garden of Reflection also a few days ago.

I know there's no direct correlation to everything I just mentioned and this video, but "Vincent" is of course is about the artist who died too young also and saw things we could not, and hopefully all of those in God's care who left us too soon are also experiencing the joy and peace we have yet to behold, and I want to dedicate this to them.

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