Monday, August 29, 2005

Just Added: Dick Cheney Tells The Truth

I accidentally browsed to the Move America Forward web site (which is the only way I would do it), and it turns out that, because of the sensational success of the “You Don’t Speak For Me, Cindy” tour now frothing bilious right-wing propaganda in Crawford, TX, the group, in conjunction with Free Republic, has decided to sponsor a series of moderated discussions touring across the country. Topics include the following:

“Zell Miller: Backstabbing, Overwrought Zealot Or Unappreciated Visionary?”

“Hillary Clinton, Hugo Chavez: Same Initials, Same Leftist Agendas”

“The Poisoning Of Young Minds By Playstation 2™ Games, Gangsta Rap And The Theory Of Evolution”

“Messages of Homosexual Indoctrination In Spongebob Squarepants™ Cartoons”

“Compared To Franklin Pierce and Warren Harding, George W. Bush Not Such A Bad President”
Also, I have reliable background information that Rick Santorum will moderate several – or possibly all – of these discussion groups depending on the tour schedule (which has yet to be announced), as well as his latest approval rating.

When the schedule is finalized and you find out the library/public meeting place/Greyhound station men’s room/slaughterhouse near you where the discussion will take place, be sure and wear your brown shirts and march in lockstep over right away. It’s important that we cleanse our minds of any contrary thoughts in violation of the latest edict from The High Exalted Leader at the earliest possible moment.

(One more thing: apparently, the guy in charge of Move America Forward is Howard Kaloogian, who I mentioned in a post a week or so ago about the entire group. Kaloogian, among his other accomplishments, is a failed U.S. Senate candidate from California. The reason why I’m mentioning this – and I definitely apologize for being “snarky,” but I have to say this – is that I wouldn’t be a member of any group that is run by a guy with a name like Kaloogian. The name conjures up images of a scatological reference to a bodily function, as well as an imperial leader of a race of aliens.)

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