Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Wednesday Stuff

Tennessee Brando tells us that, apparently, Kentucky Bourbon utterly forgot that Everything Trump Touches Dies...c’est dommage...and yeah, I’m sure Cantaloupe Capone has never walked down a dirt road in his life all right (and Brando is definitely right about Andy Beshear – I went back and forth between Beshear and Tim Walz last year for VP, but I gave the slight nod to Walz because I thought it would help Harris more electorally; no disrespect to Beshear, but I was happy with Walz...oh well)...

...and by the way, are we tired of the winning yet?...

...and speaking of money matters, this New York Times clip tells us about people in our government who actually were saving us some dough, that is, before Elmo fired them...I wish I could take issue with the utterly dark assessment of the inspectors general at about 8:50, but I really can’t...

...and John of The Damage Report brings us a clip of Pete Buttigieg describing the coming fight over the budget in the House (which those gutless frauds voted for again yesterday, including Bri-Fi, with the head-scratching exception of Thomas Massie – and yeah, the beyond-useless Jared Golden on our side voted for it also)...Jim McGovern also reminds us of all the times the “party of Lincoln” voted to extend those stinking tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy at everyone else’s expense...and John is definitely right about getting big money out of politics, mainly for the “R” team but also for too many on the “D” team as well (more here)...

...and David Doel tells us about Mark Carney “throwing down,” you might say (and politely of course), in a speech after winning the vote of Canada’s liberal party for Prime Minister...maybe Carney is a bit strident, but I’m OK with it since he’s correct that his nation didn’t start this ridiculous trade gamesmanship (though I appreciate David Doel’s clarification)...I don’t know enough about Canadian politics to be able to say anything about Pierre Poilievre, but I’m inclined to give Doel the benefit of the doubt here...and just imagine a Dem in this country giving a speech and using the phrase “we know as liberals”; corporate media heads would probably spontaneously combust like in that movie “Scanners” (a Canadian film, appropriately can Google it)...and yeah, Poilievre is “Maple MAGA” for sure; good one...

...and Seth Meyers gives us “A Closer Look” (and once again, we have to leave it to a comedian to try and decipher corporate media gobbledygook...OK, so the Biden stock market was good because investors were anticipating a Trump win, but after Trump actually won, it tanked...huh????)...And yeah, “Human Capital Stock” Kevin Hassett says Canada has a big problem with fentanyl.

In response, I give you the following from here...
In fiscal 2024, 43 pounds of fentanyl were seized at the northern border, according to Customs and Border Protection data. More than 21,000 pounds were seized at the southern border during the same time period.
Wow, a whopping 43 pounds of fentanyl from Canada! Gee, that sure sounds like an excuse to completely tank our economy, doesn’t it (#sarcasm)...

Here is the Meyers clip...

...and legendary saxophonist Charlie “Bird” Parker died on this day 70 years ago.

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