Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Tuesday Stuff

Farron Cousins lets us know that Hangin’ Judge JR was whining recently that folks are complaining that the SCOTUS is too politically biased or whatever...hey, time for you to own that, pal (and I would say that that’s a fairly comprehensive list of rulings from this wretched SCOTUS that Rolling Stone has assembled that have ensconced power for the one percent and corporations while sticking everyone else in the metaphorical neck, and that’s only for the last few years...very slightly NSFW/H at the end)...

...and Rachel Maddow lets us know about some Trumpist nut beating on a door where Nancy Pelosi supposedly was at Coral Gables in a 2018 protest who is our new ambassador to Panama (not familiar with this incident I’ll admit), and Maddow does so against the backdrop of the possibility that the life forms responsible for 1/6/21 could get pardoned...take a bow, all of you numbskulls who enabled this by wasting your vote last year...I realize Maddow has to calmly and logically look at the fact that one of our political parties commendably wants to continue playing by the rules of governance that have been in place for roughly 250 years and the other major political party wants to drive our democracy right off a cliff, as it were, but to be fair, she spent months up to now warning us that we were at a “break the glass” moment...and leave it to the Murdoch Street Journal to try and soft-sell the threat imposed by Mango Mussolini...the only options I can think of besides trying to endure all of this as best we can are those that I don’t want to speculate about in this space (and no, I don’t mean violence in opposition)...

...and the latest from More Perfect Union brings us the sorry tale of corporations trying to buy influence with #47 and King Elon I through Xitter, which has to be pretty much of a “loss leader” at this point from its collapsing revenue, though our corporate bottom feeders know that and pretty much don’t care if it frees them from experiencing one of Bronzer Beelzebub’s legendary hissy fits (NSFW/H also)...

...and Kyle Kulinski informs us of China pretty much kicking our butt on high-speed rail as well as infrastructure overall...and yeah, I’ll admit that China’s approach is to do everything perfectly or people end up disappearing if they don’t, which is terrible in its own right of course, but you can’t argue with their results vs. ours unfortunately...and I agree with Kyle on the insidious influence of neoliberalism and the heavy hand of private equity in this country (NSFW/H as well)...

...and Brittany Page lets us know about Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian tripping over the metaphorical rake when it comes to the “housing first” model to fight homelessness, with Ana merely misunderstanding the concept but Cenk claiming that getting rid of “housing first” ended up cutting down on homelessness of our veterans, which is flat out wrong (highest numbers of homeless ever recorded according to the most recent HUD report, tragically, among vets and everyone else, and again, don’t expect that to get any better with this incoming regime of grifters and frauds)...I’ve tried to avoid commentary on the rightward turn of the TYT hosts because I think there’s more important stuff out there, but sometimes that situation is impossible to avoid...

...and I now give you today's regional weather forecast.

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