Monday, January 20, 2025

Monday Stuff

John and Abelina Sabrina of The Damage Report let us know here that it appears that “Curtsy Kyrsten” went too far even for her – her beyond-ridiculous global personal expenses may actually constitute campaign finance violations; CREW may take a long, hard looks at this, though I’m sure no prosecution will be forthcoming, though it should be, even though Sinema is no longer in “the world’s greatest deliberative body” of course...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen lets us know here that #47 wants to make aid to California to fight the wildfires conditional on passage of “one big beautiful bill” with his stinking tax cuts for the “pay no price, bear no burden” bunch...and I completely share Cohen’s NSFW/H sentiments...for “Coach Tubs” to be calling OTHER PEOPLE “imbeciles” may be the biggest “pot, meet kettle” moment in recorded history...and this makes me recall the moment that we, in blue states, required that people in Texas, Flori-DUUH, Oklahoma and North Carolina elect Democrats as a condition of receiving disaster aid – oh, wait...actually, I can’t recall that after all because it NEVER FREAKING HAPPENED and it would be A GROSSLY MONSTROUS THING TO DO if we actually did!...and yeah, I’m not impartial I know, but Gavin Newsom continues to impress me, and the way he’s handling all of this misery in his state is truly commendable...

...and Jesse Dollemore brings us the sorry tale of Pam Bondi, Trump’s AG pick (now that Matt Gaetz is no longer in the running and free to date underage girls again, allegedly!) who falls down on a question about the 14th Amendment, doing her best to be combative – WOW, what arrogance from this b*tch! (oh, and she’ll “look at” birthright freaking generous of her! - #sarcasm)...and by the way, CNN, I don’t give a damn about your BS format of about 20 different talking heads creating noise; just present me with the story along with any actual facts, evidence...stuff like that; I can make up MY OWN MIND, thank you very much...and as far as Bronzer Beelzebub not having an enemies list, I give you this (mildly NSFW/H)...

...and Jordan Zakarin of More Perfect Union brings us a clip of workers fighting for the right to unionize, particularly in Colorado and Maryland...and oh yeah, Not Your Father’s Republican Party is experiencing gains from disaffected workers at the polls, even though Repugs don’t promise a damn thing of benefit to workers either (quite the opposite, actually)...still incomprehensible to me that the Biden Administration vastly expanded workers rights and workplace protections as noted in the clip, but somehow that proved to NOT be a winning message in the election last year (and no, I haven’t forgotten about what led to that sorry result).

(And I’m sorry – well, not really – but I have to digress a bit and say some of you I’m sure, I’m already starting to get Emails from the Democrats to the effect of, “we have special elections coming up and we need to fight Trump, so give us money,” proving that this bunch of clueless election losers running the national organization learned ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from the most recent election...for the love of God, Dems, MAKE A FREAKING CASE ABOUT WHAT YOU STAND FOR! As noted in the MPU video, Harris and the Dems lost last year even though they OVERWHELMINGLY DELIVERED FOR THIS COUNTRY! WILL YOU EVER FREAKING LEARN??!! YOU HAVE THE ISSUES ON YOUR SIDE!! And that comment, by the way, is definitely not aimed at PA/Bucks County Democrats, who are great and do the hard work of canvassing, voter outreach, phone banking, organizing, etc. - more food for thought on that is here.)

Here is the MPU clip...

...and as far as I'm concerned, there is nothing else going on today deserving of mention (here)...

...and for MLK day, I think it's appropriate to revisit this speech from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at Barratt Middle School in Philadelphia on October 26. 1967, with the theme of “What Is Your Life’s Blueprint?"....

Update 1: An important note is here (here here, and here also).

...and this tune is apropos for the holiday also.

Update 2: And oh yeah, there's this...
Update 3: Well said (also this).

Update 1/20/25: Indeed.

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