Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

Sam and Emma of The Majority Report tell us about “couch boy” being interviewed by Kristen Welker of NBC, with Welker asking him about what he plans to do about health care...and no, it isn’t you imagination; the Abraham Accords have NOT ONE GODDAMN THING TO DO WITH HEALTH CARE!...good discussion by Sam of how Our Ochre Abomination did his best to try and tear down the ACA...and oh yeah, remind me again about all of the “peace” in the Middle East right now (here) – go ahead, I’ll wait...and boy, is Emma ever right about the Repugs and their “divide and conquer” strategy when it comes to ANY government program...as Sam says, health insurance really doesn’t work unless you “socialize” the cost (for lack of a better word) across age groups...trying to make these risk pools as granular as Vance is talking about is truly a recipe for disaster, which is exactly what he and his “R” party pals want...

...and keeping with Repugs in “the world’s greatest deliberative body,” Anthony Vincent Gallo of Occupy Democrats tells us about Kaitlan Collins of CNN pushing back somewhat in response to Tom Cotton of Arkansas of course spewing more nonsense about how Democrats allegedly attack “religious liberty,” with Cotton trotting out yet another dog whistle, knowing that our Philistines in robes on the High Court have catered to that (I’m a Roman Catholic, and I’m not harassed one bit by my party, for the record)...interesting that the Vatican is investigating those who wish to perform the Latin mass, which I honestly didn’t know, and I don’t have a “dog” in that fight one way or the other...

...and staying down south for Repug U.S. senatorial idiocy, David Shuster brings us the sorry tale of Louisiana’s John Nimrod Kennedy insulting a woman of Arabic descent who testified before the committee on which Kennedy sits (sorry I’m a little late with this)...yeah, Sen. Foghorn Leghorn sure fits all right - Kennedy should get booted off that committee for telling that woman she should put a bag over her head; just imagine the outcry if a DEM said that...oh, and by the way, UNRWA has about 30,000 members working to provide relief (as much as it CAN be provided) across the Middle East (including about 13,000 in Gaza). Do you want to know how many UNRWA members have been accused of sympathizing with Hamas? 12, as noted here (and the names of these people were shared with Israel and other member states)...oh, and by the way, Kennedy has a net worth of $16 million (last time anybody checked)...

...and staying below that Mason Dixon line, this New York Times Opinion video brings us the story of Sarah Bynum of Tennessee, who gives back to her community big time but isn’t allowed to vote, even after she served her sentence for a felony conviction for aggravated assault (and yes, the process to try and restore her voting rights is indeed absurdly complicated, but not surprising for that locality sadly)...

...and Kyle Kulinski provides more bad polling data for Cantaloupe Capone...an NBC News poll has Harris up among likely voters 49 to 44%...and a 16-point favorability increase in polling for the head of the Dem ticket? Awesome...and Kyle is correct on the history of Dubya’s polling after 9/11; believe it or not, there was a brief period when I saw #43 with the bullhorn near the rubble of the WTC site, and I thought “this guy represents absolutely nothing that I believe in, but maybe he’s the person we should have in An Oval Office right now”...more fool me...Kyle is also right about how PA is a little sluggish, shall we say, when it comes to polling against other battleground states...and it’s definitely cool that third-party goofballs like RFK, Jr., Comrade Jill Stein and Cornel West are (according to what we’re seeing here) taking more votes from Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence than they are from Harris/Walz...

...and as far as I’m concerned, John Knucklehead Kennedy of Louisiana ought to try showing the quality reflected in the title of this tune.

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