Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

Meidas Touch (with Ben Meiselas and Michael Popok) bring us the horrid SCOTUS ruling on Mango Mussolini and presidential immunity (thank God this ruling wasn’t handed down prior to Watergate, or Nixon would have been completely exonerated, though I’m not sure about the stuff with Clinton and Monica Whatsername)...I knew this was bad along with everyone else of course, but Popok’s analysis of Almost Silent Clarence Thomas basically giving cover to “Judge” Aileen Cannon to trash the special prosecutor is particularly infuriating (more here)...

...and that sentiment is echoed here by Glenn Kirschner with Brian Tyler Cohen discussing this utter travesty from our Theocrats in Robes, and this may be the worst ruling of them all (and that’s saying something...one hell of a takeaway from Kirschner starting at about 14:20...paging Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Dick Durbin – looks like you have more work to do, whether you want to do it or not)...

...and Beau tells us what we all should already know by now (though I'm sure some of us don't), namely, that there is ABSOLUTELY NOT ONE GODDAMN THING IN THIS UTTER HORROR FOR ANYONE TO CELEBRATE!!! (unless you're #45, Leonard Leo, or our 6 Philistines in Robes on the High Court of course...and I'm loathe to give credit to The Philadelphia Inquirer to be honest, but they've been "killing it" lately, and they do so again here)...

...all of which may hasten the arrival of a day as dark as the one depicted below, hopefully not in an example of art imitating life...

...and John and Brett Erlich of The Damage Report tell us about Our Ochre Abomination humiliating himself in front of CEOs, still promising more stinking tax cuts (OF COOUURRRSE!) along with the stuff about no longer taxing tips from tipped workers (who should be paid a serious living wage anyway so tips wouldn’t be necessary, but I digress), a policy that I’m sure Cantaloupe Capone has forgotten about already...and yeah, he’s promising to overturn more regulations on the heels of the SCOTUS kneecapping the Chevron ruling from 40 years ago...

...and given the calamity of yesterday’s SCOTUS horror show, I don’t think we should be seriously talking about last week’s debate any more, but I’ve been meaning to include this great clip from Lawrence O’Donnell and I don’t want to pass it up, talking about, among other things, Combover Caligula’s inability to understand what a tariff is...interesting perspective on Dem operatives losing their sh*t over Clinton’s paltry polling over the summer preceding the ’92 election, which turned out to not matter since Clinton won of course, and I honestly didn’t know that about Jason Chaffetz endorsing the Gropenfuhrer after saying at first that he wouldn’t, but it surprises me not in the least...also didn’t know about Hubert Humphrey having the disadvantage he had in fundraising because of entering the ’68 campaign so late (with LBJ dropping out and RFK’s assassination), but I think that’s important context also...

...and God, I hope the Tories get bounced in the UK elections this Thursday, but I fear that would represent a gain not for Labour but Nigel Farage...love to be wrong (Jonathan Pie is back again...very NSFW/H as per usual)...

...and I had something else completely in mind to include as a musical selection, to be honest, but I just can’t add it now...the context for this one doesn’t completely apply I know, but when I’m p*ssed off (and I believe we all should be at this moment), this is one of the songs I want to hear (and in terms of the pic immediately above, I offer this).

Update 1: Gee, I guess the Huffington Post is now bored with the fact that our Supreme Court just gave the president dictatorial powers, and we can rely on Dementia J. Trump to use them if he ever, God forbid, gets the chance (and once more, yes, Biden had a bad debate...but how many people are aware of the fact that #45 JUST MADE REFERENCE TO A FICTIONAL CHARACTER AGAIN AS IF HE WERE A REAL DAMN PERSON!!! – here).

My gripe with HuffPo has to do with this (and as far as I'm concerned, this is an example of the media "tail" wagging the metaphorical dog)...

My take, for what it's worth? As long as Biden has so much as a pulse with any discernible brainwave activity, then we should automatically support him versus the other guy who wants to trash our government and make himself ruler for life (and probably adding his wretched family to the mix also).

Oh, but we ABSOLUTELY MUST HAVE our online lefty circular firing squad, right? We absolutely MUST have Emma Vigeland blaming Ruth Bader Ginsburg for not stepping down earlier and calling once more for Biden to be replaced (I’ll let you find it on Xitter, dear reader). And I don’t know if the Biden people have managed to scrape together the few moments from the debate that they want to highlight and make a video to be distributed on social media, but if they haven’t, WHY THE F*CK NOT?!

I believe what I need to do is spend less time doing this and more with actual voter outreach of some type in Democratic campaigns, since I think that gives us a much better chance of saving our country than generating online blatherings for like-minded folks who also want to put the brakes on our slide into some corporatist “Christian” oblivion. Who’s with me?

Let's get started.

Update 2: Based on this, Lloyd Doggett should make it official and sign up here.

Update 3: All of that being said, whoever it was in the Biden White House who came up with that “bedwetting brigade” line should be fired on the spot and forced to apologize (here).

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