Thursday, June 20, 2024

Thursday Stuff

Beau gives us his take on the Louisiana idiocy about displaying the Ten Commandments in all classrooms in that state...I really don’t think it takes going out on much of a limb here to agree with Beau that this likely won’t survive a court challenge; we know what The Supremes have turned into, but I have a feeling that even they wouldn’t want to touch this...hopefully I’m right (and nice work by Beau to work in the tenets of The Satanic Temple, which actually bolsters my argument)...

Update 6/21/24: Gee, this didn't take long, did it?

...and I know I gave Beltway pundit Chris Cillizza a bit of a pass recently because of his “stop normalizing Trump” clip, but he kind of negates that a bit here as far as I’m concerned, and I’ll explain...he praises Maryland Dem governor Wes Moore for pardoning 175K folks apprehended on low-level pot busts, which, as Cillizza notes, makes sense partly because pot has been decriminalized apparently in that state anyway...not a thing wrong with that, but Cillizza casually says, “Oh if Trump wins, then Moore can position himself as a prez candidate for ‘28”... Cillizza casually assumes that we’ll still have elections in the catastrophic event that the Gropenfuhrer actually wins in November, which is typical of the naivete of the Beltway elite media class as far as I’m concerned...

...and on the subject of media knuckleheads, Sam and Emma (not them) inform us that Kathleen Parker (yes, her) recently called for Biden to drop Kamala Harris as his VP and instead choose (wait for it...) Hillary Freaking Clinton! Of cooouurrse! as Cenk Uygur might say. What could possibly go wrong, I wonder (and the clip features the aforementioned Wes Moore politely telling the utterly odious Brian Kilmeade of Fix Noise to more or less stuff it because Moore supports President Biden)...

Update 1: Another reason why HRC should go away is noted here; namely, she endorsed George “The Ethnic Benefit” Latimer in the Dem U.S. House NY-16 primary against Jamaal Bowman.

...and Project 2025 has been covered pretty well I believe in the lefty blogosphere (I think that’s what it’s still called), including by Leeja Miller, but John Oliver adds to that canon here, with all of the utterly batcrap implications, as Sam Seder might put it (and Don Jr.’s fiancée, in that clip with Russell Vought, looks pretty damn frightening all right)...note to self: do everything possible to avoid “Milf Manor”...NSFW/H...

...and Trae Crowder gives us his take on the declining mental state of Combover Caligula (also NSFW/H)...

Update 2: More here.

...and I don’t know who this “Heartland” commentator is, but he’s absolutely spot-on when it comes to that shameful proposal to put a Confederate monument at Arlington...more here (Bri-Fi voted No because he isn’t a total idiot, despite his other issues...this commentator is right on other matters too, including Flori-DUUUH!, the "land of the yellow rose" and Repug Party politicians overall)...

...and a true acting icon has left our midst as far as I’m concerned, and that would be Donald one of his iconic characters from the clip below might put it, “finest kind”...

...and given that tomorrow is the summer solstice, I think we can break out this tune for the occasion.

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