Friday, May 03, 2024

Friday Stuff

This time a week ago, I said I’d be cutting back on posting. Well, I hadn’t expected to cut back on it as much as I did.

I’ll just briefly go “meta” again (and sorry...I know this is boring) and say that, once in a while, life stuff and my for-profit activities collide in a big way, and that’s kind of what’s going on. It’s not bad stuff, I wish to emphasize, and it’s working itself out. When that happens, posting to this dumb little blog is a casualty since it doesn’t earn yours truly any bread and is actually kind of a vanity exercise, I know. And I’m not complaining when I say that. As I’ve said in the past, I know there’s stuff I could do to raise my profile and generate more traffic, but I haven’t, and that’s on me.

So now, I’m playing a bit of a game of catch-up with some of these items, and I don’t expect to be truly caught up any time soon. With that in mind, I begin with John and Francesca of The Damage Report talking about “15 Votes For Speaker” Kevin McCarthy saying that President Biden should involve himself in the criminal trial for send a message that #46 isn’t involved? WHAAA??? And GREAT point by John that, if somehow the roles were reversed, Combover Caligula would be spouting off on Truth Septic nonstop about it...

...and I think Chris Hayes gives us a pretty comprehensive look at this country’s most recent protest history, going back to student demonstrations over Vietnam and the Iraq war as a bit of a compare-and-contrast exercise with the college campus protests over Israel’s latest incursion into Gaza...could there be agitators in these current protests trying to radicalize the student protestors further? I’m sure that’s possible, but I also think dismissing the student protests out of hand is categorically wrong (and interesting note about Samuel L. Jackson)...

...and Texas Paul on the Meidas Touch network gives us his take on the bit about Kristi Noem shooting her dog for supposedly eating chickens, or something...there are ways to humanely put down the animal, especially if you live in rural America like Texas Paul does...I think “trying to live in a modern world off of old fiction” explains it...yep, lots of “made-up crap” indeed (more here...mildly NSFW/H)...

...and I believe Beau gave us some pretty thoughtful analysis on the U.S. House Dems protecting “MAGA Mike” Johnson against the vacate motion by Marjorie Train Wreck Greene as a reward for Johnson helping to get the Ukraine aid through...I agree with the observation that helping Johnson is probably the best alternative for now, since the Dems obviously don’t have the votes to install Hakeem Jeffries as least not yet...

...and Leeja Miller informs of the wingnut strategy against contraception, with Alabama’s Supreme Court’s ruling that “all embryo’ed lives matter”...I think Miller takes a pretty clear-eyed look at what these Philistines in robes want to do to the 14th Amendment (referring primarily to the SCOTUS of Hangin’ Judge JR)...the clip also discusses those troglodytes trying to ban mifepristone, along with trying to keep government agencies from doing their jobs, in this case the FDA, and turning it over to wingnut courts instead via hypothetical lawsuits (leading often to Trumpist lackey judge Matthew Kacsmaryk..clip is also a primer on the beyond-ridiculous Comstock Act...and yeah, leave it to the Catholic Church to come out against IVF and surrogacy...important history in particular at about 25:50)...NSFW/H (and again, I know I’m a little behind on some of these clips)...

...and happy belated 70th birthday to bassist Prescott Niles of The Knack.

And with that, I take my leave of you once again for a scheduled absence. I’ll plan to rev this thing back up again around 5/19 or 5/20.

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