Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

I’m trying to be careful with TYT videos, but I think this is a good one from Ana and Cenk about a gay and trans advocacy group running ads on conservative TV telling people pretty much to just LEAVE THEM THE HELL ALONE AND LET THEM LIVE THEIR FREAKING LIVES!!! And I’ll acknowledge Cenk’s point about not being too confrontational and trying to patiently and persuasively win over the wingnuts on this and other issues of course (if possible), but bringing up the “birthing person” stuff again was ridiculous (and Ana is the one who got all of that started, so she doesn’t get a pass here as far as I’m concerned).

(And for anybody out there still freaked out about “oh, a gay or a trannie might use MY bathroom”...maybe 1 or 2 people I guess...I have news for you: they probably already have and you just didn’t know it! And by the way, it pains me to say this, truly, but when it comes to stories like this, i genuinely have issues with the people in charge of my faith)...


...and Mike Papantonio and Farron Cousins tell us that Flori-DUUH! just passed a law against mandatory water breaks for outdoor workers...and yeah, as they note in the clip, I think this is all about trying to outdo Texas in wingnuttery...yeah, who cares if we lose a few people from heat exhaustion and dehydration – they would just vote “Democrat” anyway (#sarcasm)...

...and Jesse Dollemore informs us of the insanely racist town of Newbern, Alabama, which hasn’t had an election in about 60 years...but gosh, I thought that, according to “balls and strikes” SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts, we were done with racism, or something (removing my tongue from my cheek, and by the way, I’m not completely sold on reparations, though maybe I need to “evolve” on that...mildly NSFW/H)...

...and here’s another entry to refute the utterly BS claim that “oh, both major political parties are the same”...yes, I have issues with Team “D” at times, but at least our side respects the will of constituents...as far as the “party of Lincoln” is concerned, though – well, in VA, Repug guv Glenn Trumpkin vetoed a bunch of bills, including pot legalization and raising the state’s minimum wage, which were supported by the residents of that commonwealth...John and Francesca tell us about it...

...and this clip from More Perfect Union brings us the story of construction transforming Haywood Country, Tennessee, the city of Stanton in particular...it has to do with something called the Blue Oval City project, which is a Ford auto megaplant to build EV cars and trucks...”this is what it looks like when policy turns into concrete,” indeed, thanks to Biden and the Inflation Reduction Act (and for a wholly other extreme, I give you this)...

...and RIP counterculture activist John Sinclair, who was busted over a pot charge and was immortalized in song by John Lennon with the following tune.

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