Monday, April 22, 2024

Monday Stuff

This New York Times retro video deals with the Columbine mass school shooting...we recently observed the 25th anniversary, believe it or not...I guess, like a lot of other people, I’ll be wrestling with exactly why the ‘90s was a time when (mostly rural) rage on the part of white kids whose brains were broken for some reason seemed to flourish, in this attack, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Branch Davidian siege, and assorted other incidents of violence...more than anything IMO, it’s the damn, stinking guns, but I would argue also that, in the “heartland,” our government’s failed neoliberal policies (and The Sainted Ronnie R is definitely to blame I believe, but he has company on both sides of the aisle), particularly towards our farmers and businesses that built up towns across the country, was a factor also, though there was plenty of violence in our cities too, and that remains the case across the country to this day, takes more courage, imagination and will to tackle our gun violence epidemic across this country than I believe we possess at the moment, and I’d love to be wrong about that (more here)...

...and this Now This clip deals with Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPCs), which are pretty much vehicles for wingnut indoctrination and provide no medical purpose for pregnant people seeking an abortion or related services (and CPCs don’t deserve one stinking dime of federal funding – trying to cut that off is yet another good move by the Biden Administration flying under the corporate media radar, if you will)...

...and John Russell and More Perfect Union inform us of the biggest labor win in decades, and that is Volkswagen workers in Chattanooga, TN just voting to join the UAW...awesome! Now, onto Alabama, Missouri, Kentucky, and South Carolina! (and here is more on the BS anti-union efforts on the part of Repug Tennessee Governor Bill Lee, among others, presented because we can expect this at a minimum in response to other pro-union organizing)...

...and Jeff Waldorf lets us know here that “Capitol Hill Karen” received a warning, apparently, to lay off “MAGA Mike” Johnson from some conservative personality named Sarah Posner, who came to Johnson’s defense, along with this Liz Peek person...jeez, a wingnut “food fight” (pass the popcorn...and to do something about Marjorie Train Wreck Greene, click here)...

...and this clip from TYT shows Dem U.S. House Rep Jim McGovern pushing back against Repug U.S. House idiot Guy Reschenthaler, who accuses Democrats of being guilty somehow of anti-Semitic incidents and sympathizing with terrorists, or some such nonsense...and by the way, when it comes to a ridiculous over-reaction against pro-Palestinian protests, you’d be hard pressed to find a more excessive response than that of Columbia University President Minouche Shafik as noted here...

Update 4/23/24: It looks like U of P isn't doing any better on this issue (here).

...and by the way, Happy Earth Day.

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