Monday, January 29, 2024

Monday Stuff

Jesse Dollemore discusses the $83.3 million verdict against Our Ochre Abomination in the latest E. Jean Carroll defamation suit... it really is unbelievable when you consider that all #45 had to do was shut his vile orange maw and not keep spouting BS at Carroll, but even that was too much to ask...also, this clip pretty much shows up Alina Habba for being the clueless legal neophyte that she is (she thinks she can "fake being smart"...uh, no - more here)...

...and I thought Farron Cousins did a pretty good job here of analyzing how Biden should handle Texas guv Greg Abbott basically saying “F.U.” to the High Court of Hangin’ Judge JR and continuing to put up the barbed wire in the Rio Grande river to kill migrants trying to enter this country...I think Biden ought to wake up Merrick Garland and tell him to go petition the Supremes to try and get an arrest warrant against Abbott if he continues...I would love to see Biden federalize the Texas National Guard also, but that would be handing an issue gift-wrapped to the wingnuts at a time when they’re sinking because of the millstone around their necks in the distinct corpulent form of Combover Caligula...

...and under the heading of crazy Republicans, John and David Shuster (not them of course) discuss U.S. House Rep Nancy Mace apparently wishing to get punched in the face during the 1/6 addition to the great points raised here (especially Mace’s BS towards AOC, with Mace getting put out because the Dem NY rep faced trauma for real, as opposed to the South Carolina rep imagining it apparently), I’m kind of wondering also if Mace believed the nonsense that the insurrectionists weren’t just Dems in disguise and sought combat for that reason as well...

...and we shouldn’t ignore Repug insanity on the state level also as opposed to federally...this Joel Kitchens character of the assembly in Wisconsin sez that he’s an abortion expert because he knows about breeding livestock...just say “oops” and get out (with Sharon Reed and Rayyvana – I think Reed needs to work on her presentation, to be honest...either that, or let Rayyvana take the lead instead...more here)...

...and I’m glad to hear Beau blow up some political clichés here, in particular about getting more conservative as you get of the better analyses IMO on what constitutes the mindset of a Repug voter...and yeah, looks like the boomers are heading for the last electoral roundup as opposed to the Gen Zers and millennials, including LGBTQ folk of course...cry me a freaking river...

..and RIP '60s hipster Melanie Safka.

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