Friday, January 05, 2024

Friday Stuff

Kyle Kulinski informs us here that Missouri has basically legalized kids possessing guns, with the state house voting against a bill to keep minors from open carrying on public land without adult supervision...good for Kyle to point out that, when the Second Amendment was written, the weapon of choice was a FREAKING MUSKET! Of course, the ammo-sexuals in this country want everyone to have weapons of death and oppose a national “red flag” law as Kyle says (about 35K gun deaths a year in this country – ugh!...NSFW/H)...

Update: And in a related item, I know there will be more to say about this.

...and Chris Hayes calls out Our Treasonous Former preznit on his “are you better off now than you were five years ago” BS; I guess this pretty much means that the presidential contest is underway...actually, I have to say that I am better off, by all objective metrics (and of course, that’s a riff on The Sainted Ronnie R’s “four years ago” tag line as Hayes explains)...

...and in a bit of a related item, senor economic advisor Jared Bernstein went on Fix Noise (where everything is slanted against “team D,” of course) and gave a pretty good endorsement of Biden’s record on the economy...David Pakman tells us more...

...and speaking of Our Ochre Abomination, Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about all of the countries who paid off #45; Jared Moskowitz and Jamie Raskin also appear (mildly NSFW/H – more here, and let's not forget this too)...

...and it’s taken me a few days to get around to this, but I’m glad I did; Robert Reich gives us seven pieces of advice to help persuade folks to vote for Biden this fall (as opposed to you-know-who of course)...

...and this video from More Perfect Union tells us about the life saving drug marketed by Merck (apparently, it trains the cells in your body to fight cancer) which they didn’t even manufacture on their own, but significant taxpayer assistance went into it, but now the drug is priced beyond anyone’s reach...ought to be a special kind of hell for people engaging in this sort of thing...

...and when it comes to bad behavior in the pharma sector, Sam and Emma of The Majority Report tell us that it looks like the Sackler family could be on the hook for $6 billion, but they may be protected from personal prosecution – hopefully not, but we’ll see (more here)...and I didn’t know that 36 states had anti-BDS laws (you can’t get a state contract if you support BDS, which is garbage IMO...with Ian Millhiser, who is someone whose legal opinion I respect because he does his homework...I would agree with him on his example of a school lunch person having an opinion on Israel/Palestine if it weren’t for the fact that The Supremes are constantly ignoring precedent they don’t like and making up new bogus law as they go along)...

...and Sonny Bono died 26 years ago today in a skiing accident; can’t think of a context in which this song doesn’t apply.

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