Thursday, November 02, 2023

Thursday Stuff

Jesse Dollemore discusses Brave Sir Josh Hawley disrespecting Homeland Secretary Alexander Mayorkas over an admittedly offensive blog post from someone in DHS...kudos to Mayorkas for his measured response, telling Cowardly Josh that, yeah you numbskull, it’s a personnel matter and I can’t discuss it publicly; as Jesse says, Hawley is grandstanding to get an appearance on Fix Noise, OAN or some other similar channel, as well as clicks on X or whatever, and that’s about it (mildly NSFW/H)...

...and when it comes to the U.S. House on Capitol Hill under “MAGA Mike” Johnson, Chris Hayes tells us that, with war raging and an economy trying to find its way completely out of COVID (and more or less doing that as opposed to most of the rest of the world), to say nothing of climate change (more on that a little later), the “party of Lincoln” is laser focused on its top priority, and that’s ensuring that yacht owners can cheat on their taxes (and speaking of money matters, I think this is sketchy AF).

(And by the way, speaking of the “lower chamber,” I know they had that idiotic vote from Marjorie Trailer Park Greene trying to equate a protest on behalf of Palestinians as an “insurrection,” or some such typical nonsense, and that was shot down, which of course was the right thing. I know they also had that vote to expel “George Santos,” which was likewise shot down. And this may come as a bit of a surprise, but I’m glad that failed also. I thought Jamie Raskin put it well here...yes, Santos is a serial liar and a contemptible character for all kinds of reasons, but since he hasn’t been convicted of a crime, I agree with Raskin. Expelling him would have set a terrible precedent, which – and I cannot emphasize this strongly enough – DEFINITELY would have been used against Democrats in the future. Besides, if we’re just talking about the typical political BS and no actual illegality involving some kind of a court conviction, the remedy to get rid of Santos is to vote his ass out of office.)

Anyway, here's the Hayes clip...

Update: And speaking of that life form from GA-14, I thought this was a typically disgusting move.

...and Mike Figueredo tells us how AIPAC is pretty much a terrorist organization that has been able to get way too many politicians to knuckle under to it, including Huckleberry Graham, who apparently thinks there should be no threshold for kids getting killed by Israelis or Hamas in order to say enough and call for a cease fire (figures...and when it comes to confronting AIPAC, which is long overdue IMO, I have to admit that I’m utterly shocked to find myself on the same side as Thomas Massie, but he’s on the right side of an issue for a change...I would also like to see these lawmakers criticize all of the anti-BDS laws out there, but we’ll see about that...I thought this was a terrific and highly comprehensive report on the insidious influence of AIPAC on our politics, and yes, we should definitely help Cori Bush too...and by the way, more on Brian Mast is here)...

...and I have to admit that I’m as bewildered as anybody as to why the story of Acapulco’s destruction hasn’t received more coverage, as Thom Hartmann is also (I think Will Bunch recently said the same thing on Twitter/X/ guess is because stories about climate change don’t generate a lot of buzz overall, though I can think of no story that’s more important)...

...and Kyle Kulinski tells us that UAW president Shawn Fain is trying to get contracts put in place for other unions as well as his own so they expire on 4/30/28 in time for May Day, at which time Fain plans to hold a general strike to take on the wretched billionaire class...beyond freaking awesome (and I didn’t know about the RAND Corporation study that $50 trillion was stolen by the top one percent from the rest of us since WWII...bleeping criminals!)...

...and don’t know about you, but I’m getting ready to pack in, so hopefully this number can mellow us out a bit.

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