Saturday, November 18, 2023

Saturday Stuff

Jesse Dollemore tells us all about Repug U.S. House Rep Clay Higgins, who recently broke the stoo-pid meter carrying on about “ghost buses” with FBI employees supposedly masquerading as insurrectionists on January 6th at a hearing with FBI Director Christopher Wray...of course, if Higgins cared about buses for real that transported insurrectionists to the Capitol, he might want to investigate this, though he doesn’t of course, and won’t (mildly NSFW/H)...

...and on the subject of giving aid and comfort to anyone seeking to destroy our democratic form of government, Second Thought brings us this video about Project 2025, The New Fascist Playbook ...clip was made before Tim Scott dropped out with barely anyone noticing...and I think J.T. Chapman’s “tankie” views come through a bit when he says that there isn’t much difference between the “R” and the “D” party in presidential elections – if I honestly believed that, I can assure you that I’d be doing something else besides spending the time and effort I do with this dumb little blog...however, he’s definitely right to sound the alarm about “Project 2025,” which of course our corporate media basically ignores (he also forgot to note Cornel West as a Dem candidate, albeit an unlikely one I know)...”When you have a higher power on your side, it’s pretty easy to justify horrific acts” indeed (pertaining to the faux religiosity of the cretins behind the effort to wreck our democracy)...and I honestly didn’t know that this “unitary executive theory” BS went back to The Sainted Ronnie R (I thought it came from Dark Lord “Deadeye Dick” Cheney), but I probably should have guessed that...Chapman also has what I think is an unduly dark vision of Biden’s electoral prospects – I’m more worried about the fallout from the Gaza carnage than anything else as noted here – but we definitely can’t take anything for granted either and need to put in the work to ensure sanity prevails...this video is OK, but Leeja Miller’s clip on this subject is better IMO...

...and speaking of Miller, her latest segment has to do with Madalyn Murray O’Hair, who had a lot to do with keeping religion out of public school, though of course that’s something the wingnuts will abolish once and for all if, God forbid, they get the chance with this Project 2025 madness...yes, faith is important to yours truly, but I also believe that faith and spirituality are personal and nobody has the right to force their beliefs on others (briefly NSFW/H)...the story of how O’Hair, her son and granddaughter met their end could be a video by itself...sorry I’m going out of order a bit with her clips...

...and Emma Vigeland of The Majority Report interviews Sophia Moccio and Aaron Habrack, nurses at Robert Wood Johnson Hospital in New Brunswick, NJ, who are on strike primarily for safe staffing ratios, and of course RWJ, being total bastards, decided to cancel health insurance for their striking employees after the job action exceeded a month...damn, out for 83 days? And the story they tell about RWJ is sadly typical for other hospitals that I‘ve heard of; it’s all about returning shareholder value, and everyone and everything else be damned, including patients...

...and staying with the topic of health care, this More Perfect Union presentation tells us about 10 million poor families across the country losing Medicaid coverage because of something called the “unwinding,” (ending of COVID-related coverage pretty much), with this taking place in states run by Republicans of course, including the governor and legislatures (continually disgusts me how easily they manage to do this particularly when it comes to the health of children)...

...and I had a new tune by The Beatles last week, so how about a new one from The Rolling Stones also?

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