Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Tuesday Stuff

Jesse Dollemore tells us that Marjorie Trailer Park Greene says that the almost-government shutdown (though it still may yet comes to pass with her and the rest of the problem children calling the shots in the GOP House) was the price to be paid for the COVID lockdowns...I really can’t find a way to unwrap any “take” that’s that insane (NSFW/H)...

...and for the benefit of folks out there wondering how life forms like the GA-14 mistake have managed to rise to such prominence in our politics sadly, I would argue that what you could call “glibertarianism” is as big a culprit as anything else, and Thom Hartmann says that that all started with ‘50s real estate cretins, like the father of #45 I would argue, arising as a response to Brown v. Board, though getting rid of rent control was a goal also as Thom tells us...also infamous was David Koch running on a 1980 platform of basically ending all public services except police, courts and the military...the philosophy came from Ayn Rand of course, and I’d forgotten about the story of Edward Hickman and how Rand loved this guy...what utter madness, and I mean that towards both of them...clip ends at about 4:06...

...and true to their wretched form, it looks like “never Trump” Repugs are falling in line behind you-know-who, as Farron Cousins explains...

...and Jayar and Rayy Vana of The Damage Report tell us that the SCOTUS (which just began a new term...God help us), amazingly, won’t let Alabama use gerrymandered voting maps (gosh, I’m shocked; I thought “balls and strikes” Roberts said racism didn’t exist anymore...removing my tongue from my cheek)...

...and Francesca and Nina Turner discuss the beyond-awful Jessica Burgess story out of Nebraska, trying to get an abortion for her daughter who became pregnant but was apparently in an abusive relationship...from what I can gather, the mom was sentenced to two years in prison mainly because she interfered with the police investigation and burned and buried the fetal remains...I’m certainly not advocating doing that either, but to me also, access to safe medical abortion is the issue, the procedure I mean, which of course has been gutted by Dobbs, as well as access to pills...and I also don’t completely understand how law enforcement was originally notified; how would they know about this unless the company providing the pills deliberately outed the Burgesses (the mom and daughter), which to me is a whole other matter that needs to be thoroughly investigated, and the people at the company who may have outed the Burgesses – allegedly of course – should be held liable also...

Update: And on the subject of abortion as health care for women, I would say that supporting this lady running for office in Tennessee is one way to fight back to preserve Roe.

...and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 10/2/18...the late, great Michael Brooks of The Majority Report points out that Repug a-hole Josh Hawley, running against incumbent Claire McCaskill at the time, aired one of his ridiculous syrupy ads of his talking about how he wanted to cover pre-existing conditions through the ACA, when in fact he and fellow Repug Kevin Cramer, who also defeated an incumbent Senate Dem that year (albeit with trickery) were trying to get rid of pre-existing condition coverage in the ACA...typical (more related odious stuff with Hawley is here, and to do something about him, click here)...

...and Eric Willoughby is my “hero of the week” for this (more here...I love the looks on the faces of these idiot Repugs in NC getting called out by Willoughby, as if to say “how dare this punk tell us how crooked we are!”)...

...and on this day in 1978, Fort Wayne, Indiana cops arrested anywhere from 28-58 fans at an Aerosmith concert for smoking pot, prompting Steven Tyler to chastise them Jim Morrison-style from the stage...Tyler announced that the band would bail out anyone who was arrested that night, and the next day they did just that, though understandably, memories of the event are hazy...here is a tune for the occasion.

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