Thursday, October 12, 2023

Thursday Stuff

Mike Figueredo tells us how King Elon I has utterly wrecked Twitter/X/whatever by allowing all kinds of unverifiable and neo-Nazi crap to go and propagate without moderation of any kind whatsoever; of course, hollowing out the company’s infrastructure has gone a long way towards this sorry outcome, which is also amplified with all of the propaganda raging given the Israel/Hamas war...

...and speaking of propaganda, Farron Cousins tells us that Alabama recently trashed a bunch of training manuals for preschool teachers, books that cost $165 apiece, totaling about $16,500, because they were "woke"? Really?? of the most clear-eyed commentaries I’ve ever heard about the state of Alabama, and no resident of that state should feel so much as a speck of pride after hearing what Cousins has to say...and they should also feel more than a bit of contrition over electing this clueless, provincial goober (and I don’t mean Gen. Hayden...and yes, I know what Hayden actually meant), but I’m sure they don’t...

...and on the subject of performative nonsense, Jesse Dollemore tells us that Repug U.S. House Rep Nancy Mace of South Carolina recently wore a scarlet “A” on her dress after her vote to oust her party’s speaker Kevin McCarthy, believing that she’s being punished for being a woman and being demonized for her voice, or something (showing no undertstanding whatsoever of the meaning behind that symbol from Nathaniel Hawthorne's timeless novel) response, I’d like to link to an article on Dem D.C. U.S. House delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton – given that she can appear but not actually vote on legislation, I would say that Holmes Norton has much more of a right to feel that she’s “demonized” than Mace ever will...

...and once more, I’m keeping TYT on a short leash, if you will, but I thought this was a pretty spot-on commentary by Ana and Cenk about idiot Repug lawmakers like “running man” Josh Hawley saying we should divert aid from Ukraine to Israel, which is a typically idiotic and cowardly sentiment from a member of the “party of Lincoln” (and apparently, Cenk has announced a run for president, which means to me that TYT has officially “jumped the shark”)...

...and Kyle tells us about politicians losing their sh*t over Rashida Tlaib with a Palestinian flag next to her office – too freaking bad!...GREAT point by Kyle that just because you may support the Palestinians, that doesn’t automatically mean that you support the Hamas butchers also...

...and I probably shouldn’t include this tune because this band is from Atlanta (hiss, boojust kidding...go Phils!), but I think it’s a catchy number anyway.

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