Monday, June 12, 2023

Monday Stuff

David Shuster brings us this clip of Trumpster Mandy Gunasekara (who helped pull the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Accords, apparently) now attacking trans health care (God, are we STILL doing this??!!) and getting her metaphorical head handed to her by Dem U.S. House Rep Becca Balint of Vermont (another reason to love The Green Mountain State as far as I’m concerned)...

...and as long as we’re dealing with intolerance, here is Leeja Miller (not her) discussing why Book Bans Are much important history here, including what led to the so-called Comstock Act (NSFW/H)...“With all progress comes the backlash by those who benefit from the stalling of progress.” indeed...

...and Thom Hartmann tells us more about the Repugs’ “forever war” against “hippies,” African Americans, and basically anyone who wasn’t a campaign supporter (don’t have to be rich, but it certainly helps...I honestly didn’t know about that quote from Reagan prior to Kent State, but it fits his wretched profile for sure)...and how yelling about “woke” (which is originally a term used among African Americans to each other) is just the latest version of their long-running garbage (kind of broke the video at a weird place, but I think the point was made)...

...and in a bit of truly unexpected good news, Mike Figueredo brings us the story of the Voting Rights Act (Section 2 in particular) being saved for now by the highly unlikely combination of Hangin’ Judge JR and “I Like Beer” Kavanaugh (case is Allen v. Milligan I believe)...

...and this latest (I think) video from Second Thought tells us more about How Capitalism Creates Loneliness...”Social cohesion is harder to come by in this zero-sum competition that decides if you get to eat this month” and “The built-in competitive element of labor under capitalism puts a strain on (interpersonal) relationships, and that's the problem. The way our economy is organized runs against our natural drive and physical need to socialize. It doesn’t make it impossible, but it sure as hell doesn’t help”...uh, yep (and to echo what J.T. Chapman says here, please reach out for help if you think you need it or if you can help someone else)...

...and I believe we’re going to get some much-needed precipitation in these parts today, which brings to mind this tune.

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