Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Wednesday Stuff

Gee, it looks like South Carolina Repug guv Henry McMaster is trying to moonlight as a comedian or something, since he recently spoke at a Repug Party fundraiser over the weekend and said he looks forward to the day when Dems are so rare that they can be hunted like dogs, or words to that effect...funnier still to me (well, not really) is the response from his spokesman that “oh, the governor makes this joke all the time...Dems need to lighten up,” as if somehow that makes everything all right (more here and here).

This tells us that South Carolina is one of the worst states in this country to raise a family. And yes, I get it that the link is from 2019, but somehow I don’t think things have changed that much. However, just to make sure, this from 2022 (a little more recent) says that “the Palmetto state” ranks 43rd in education, this tells us that the state is the 8th worst in the nation for health care, and this tells us that an absolutely staggering number of kids (300K) in South Carolina live in poverty.

Try laughing at that, you asshats...

...and returning to our regularly scheduled idiocy over the debt ceiling (which, as a reminder, is a fight TO PAY FOR FUNDS THAT HAVE ALREADY BEEN ALLOCATED BY THOSE IDIOTS IN THE U.S. HOUSE, PARTICULARLY FOR #45’s HORRIBLE DECEMBER 2017 TAX CUTS!), John and Brett Erlich of The Damage Report bring us some well-reasoned commentary from Dem Jamie Raskin (and good job by Brett in particular to point out how this utterly ridiculous nonsense helps China, a country Repugs claim to despise...more here from David Cay Johnston, one of the few people left on the "bird app" who actually has a brain)...

...and speaking of how we’re looked at internationally (considering China from the prior clip), David Pakman speaks with caller Ben in France who thinks that other countries think we’re bonkers over all of this “culture war” madness, and it’s hard to argue with that sadly (not totally sold on UBI, but if we can afford trillions in tax cuts for billionaires, then I think it’s a topic worth exploring at least)...

...and as a bit of a follow-up to the Pakman clip, Sam and Emma of The Majority Report bring us this Darcy Schoening goofball of Moms for Liberty...this woman is a few fries short of a happy meal, but tragically, a lot of her fellow travelers are taking her seriously...she does give away the game a bit, though, as Emma notes, because the whole thing about the Dems supposedly trying to indoctrinate our kids is ultimately a conspiracy as far as they’re concerned to make their kids vote for Dems (and to demonize teachers of course, trying to hurt their union and its political influence)...somehow I have a feeling the kids may very well vote for Dems anyway regardless of what their parents say or do, to say nothing of teachers, who wouldn’t be involved in that decision anyways despite what these crazies believe...and for a taste of this madness a little closer to home, I give you this...

....and David Doel brings us a clip of Discovery CEO David Zaslav facing a chant of “pay your writers” while giving the commencement address at Boston University...the plane flying the banner overhead was a nice touch also...any way these plutocrats can be lawfully humiliated is fine with me...of course, that assumes they understand the concept of shame, which is problematic I realize (and kudos to Adam Conover of course)...

...and they’re coming to the Anchor Rock Club in Atlantic City, NJ on June 10th and the Mann in Philly on June 29th as noted here, and I’m sure this selection will be included on both dates.

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